Inovaţii de frontieră

Nu doresc să prezint aici detaliat inovaţii profesionale şi academice. Ele pot fi găsite în CV-ul meu şi aici. Doresc însă să ilustrez o dezvoltare tehnologică excepţională în psihoterapie şi psihologie clinică, cu accent pe ştiinţele cognitive clinice şi psihoterapia cognitiv-comportamentală, care dă un avataj competitiv României în acest domeniu de frontieră la nivel internaţional – Platforma de Roboterapie şi Psihoterapie prin Realitate Virtuală – (Platforma Matrix). Detaliile legate de activităţile ştiinţifice şi clinice de pe Platforma Matrix le puteţi găsi aici.

Iată câteva demonstraţii video şi comentarii, aşa cum au apărut şi în massmedia naţională şi internaţională:

NAŢIONAL (pentru detalii vezi aici şi Platforma Matrix):











Daniel David ca Hologramă: articol prezentat în Adevărul (3.12.2010).



I. Advanced VR Treatment: Increased Implementation of High End EON Reality 3D Technology in Psychological Treatment and Therapy at the UBB University in Romania

IRVINE, Calif., November 15, 2010 – EON Reality, the world’s leading interactive 3D software provider, recently installed a new VR solution for treatment and therapy at the Babes-Bolyai University (UBB) in Cluj-Napoca, Romania. Earlier this year the Department of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy/International Institute for the Advanced Studies of Psychotherapy and Applied Mental Health by the “Babes-Bolyai – PsyTech” Psychological Clinic and “International Institute for Coaching” implemented an immersive 4 wall Virtual Reality solution, the EON Icube, for their R&D. The university runs several clinical studies on their “Robotherapy and Virtual Reality Psychotherapy Platform” related to pain control, time perception, ADHD and various phobias.

The new Holopodium equipment will be tested in rational-emotive and cognitive-behavioral group therapy and for training in psychotherapy.  „We hope – and we will test this – that the “tele-presence” it can generate is stronger than that generated by the classical videoconference system, and this is important for both therapy and training in psychotherapy.”Now the clinic expands their VR therapy R&D equipment with the implementation of a 5th EON Icube wall solution and the immersive 3D presentation surface, the EON Holopodium. Professor Daniel David at the UBB University thinks that having a five active wall will increase the presence and immersion in psychological-oriented virtual environments, which are important for the University’s psychotherapy research and practice (including psychological assessment).
„We really think – and there are preliminary data supporting this belief – that the implementation of virtual reality in evidence-based and/or evidence-oriented psychotherapeutic protocols is the way to go, and that it will move the field of psychotherapy to another level of efficacy and acceptability, especially in younger populations,” said Professor Daniel David.

A pioneer in VR treatment, Professor Daniel David, believes we will see an increased implementation of high end large scale VR technology for psychology R&D treatment and therapy; „We strongly believe this and we will push the field forward offering our support and consultation for other major Romanian institutes and clinics to develop this line of research and practice. We are interested to establish an international network to support the movement at the international level,” said Professor Daniel David.

II. Virtual reality Therapy Innovates ADHD treatment, January 5, 2010

Innovative Virtual Reality therapy promises great success for treatment and rehabilitation of ADHD symptom.

By applying techniques used in cognitive behaviour therapy into an immersive virtual environment, researchers at the Babes-Bolyai University, in Romania has developed a program that promises great success for ADHD treatment.

Professor Daniel David, a specialist on virtual reality therapy at the Department of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy at the Babes-Bolyai University, in Cluj-Napoca, Romania, has together with a team of researchers developed a new concept for  a “Virtual Classroom Intervention” system for ADHD.

Previously, the “Virtual Classroom” systems for ADHD were mainly focused on assessment rather than interventions. It is the first program for ADHD treatment that allows clinicians to use Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) techniques in an immersive, dynamic 3D environment where interaction, behavioural tracking and performance recording is possible.

An initial testing implemented by researchers David Opris, Raluca Anton, & Anca Dobrean, involving eight boys diagnosed with ADHD (6-12 years of age) and 10 non diagnosed boys, suggested that the “Virtual Classroom Intervention” system provides a cost-effective and time reducing tool for attention performance measurements and treatment, beyond the existing traditional methods.

“The ability to implement the CBT techniques designed for a real classroom in a virtual one, combined with the possibility of improved control, safety, measurements, time reducing, makes this application a very innovative one”, Professor Daniel David says. “One of the main advantages of this new program is that the procedure is highly accurate and requires a significantly shorter time compared to using a traditional approach”, David Opris adds.

The “Virtual Classroom Intervention” system for ADHD” is a collaboration project between the USC Institute for Creative Technologies, San Diego, California, USA, Digital Mediaworks, Canada and theDepartment of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy / International Institute for the Advanced Studies of Psychotherapy and Applied Mental Healthat the Babes-Bolyai University, Romania.

III. EON Reality Supports Leading Innovation in Psychotherapy at the BBU University in Romania

IRVINE, Calif., January 8, 2010 EON Reality, the world’s leading interactive 3D software provider, supports the Babes-Bolyai University (BBU), in Cluj-Napoca, Romania with an immersive EON Icube environment for a virtual reality therapy project. Babes-Bolyai University is the largest university in Romania, one of the most influential in Eastern and Central Europe, and it was ranked on the first place in research among the Romanian Universities in 2009 by the National Council for Scientific Research in Higher Education.

An advanced research platform developed at the Babes-Bolyai University, Department of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy in Romania, is innovating psychotherapy with virtual reality technology. The PsyTech-MATRIX Platform is the first one in Romania and one of the most advanced systems in the world, building on „state of the art technology” and combining significant psychotherapeutic methods.

Professor Daniel David, a specialist on virtual reality therapy at the BBU, is the director of the ambitious „Star-Gate Psy” project. He has been conducting treatment and research for various symptoms such as anxiety, phobias, depression, and ADHD. „Virtual reality therapy has a lot of advantages in respect to control, safety, precise measurements, time reducing, and sometimes even cost-effectiveness, compared to traditional psychotherapy methods. Virtual techniques can be incorporated in any know form of psychotherapy, from cognitive-behavioral to psychodynamic and humanistic-existential,” said Daniel David.

„An immersive virtual reality environment is as close as it can be to a real environment. It allows us to get accurate results and control the information that the client receives in a natural setting. In a marginal performance, this type of treatment is very helpful as it facilitates us to look into more complex processes, integration and understanding of psychotherapy processes. Moreover, target behaviors and cognitions will rise in virtual environments, and we can work on that,” stated David Opris, one of the research team members.

A full installation of the Icube interactive 3D system, supplied by EON Reality, has taken place in the new building called AVALON (Advanced Virtual Application Laboratories of Napocensis), as a part of the “Star-Gate Psy” project, based on a grant from the Romanian National Authority for Research Government.

About the PsyTech-MATRIX Platform 
The platform for Robotics/Robotherapy and Virtual Reality Therapy is the state of the art research, academic, and services infrastructure at the Department of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy / International Institute for the Advanced Studies of Psychotherapy and Applied Mental Health at the Babes-Bolyai University, Romania. It is a part of the “Star-Gate Psy” project to seek out new technologies to improve and develop human mind, human health, and human potential.

The platform is composed of a „Center for Robot Therapy and Virtual Reality Therapy” and consists of five laboratories, each one equipped with immersive systems like the EON Icube environment including a „Star Trek-Holodeck Lab, Stress Control Lab, Virtual Classroom, Pain Control Lab, and a Data Lab focusing on using robots in psychotherapy. All five top laboratories are equipped with the latest technology, supported mainly by the national and international grants of Professor, Ph.D., Daniel David.

The project is set up in collaboration with leading universities, international organizations, and businesses devoted to new technologies and virtual reality therapy .

The new Avalon building for advanced Studies of Psychotherapy and Applied Mental Health at the Babes-Bolyai University (BBU), in Cluj-Napoca, Romania.


Vezi și proiectul Simfonia Iubirii!


  1. Silviu
    1 decembrie 2010 la 12:15 am

    Calduroase felicitari penru aceasta (noua) realizare. Foarte curios sa iau contact cu platforma in viioarele module de practica.

  2. Attila Szabo
    23 decembrie 2010 la 5:29 pm

    Stimate dle. dr. David.Am ciudatul sentiment ca va cunosc,desi,in afara unei scurte convorbiri telefonice nu am avut onoarea sa va intalnesc.Aceasta convorbire s-a produs cindva in 2009 si are o istorie interesanta,deoarece eu,cautand pe internet abordari rationale la dependenta(a mea)in general am primit numarul dvoastra de telefon din Scotia via SUA de la dr.Fraser Ross,membru in stafful SMART Recovery.Probabil nu eram pregatit pentru intilnirea cu dvoasta,poate nu sunt nici acum.Sunt un om simplu,fara studii universitare dar cu o dorinta nebuna pentru o viata demna,libera de dependente.Tot ceea ce-mi doresc este sa-mi trasati niste linii directoare privind conduita de viata.Ierati-ma daca e o pretentie prea mare.Namaste:Attavist

  3. 7 februarie 2011 la 1:31 pm

    Urmaresc de mult acest forum. Astazi m-am decis sa scriu pentru ca sunt fericit si vreau sa impartasesc cu voi.
    Sunt bucuros, multumit de tot ce am realizat pana la aceasta varsta, de prietenii mei, de viata mea.

    Cred ca toti ar trebui sa fim mai optimisti. Ii astept sa posteze pe toti cei care au motive de bucurie, sa ne faca sa zambim.

    Va salut,

    • 7 februarie 2011 la 4:09 pm

      Fericirea este contaminanta, asa ca ma bucur sa vad un om fericit!

  4. Cornelia
    14 februarie 2011 la 7:49 pm

    Ce posibilitate am sa vizitez -Platforma Matrix- pentru ca sunt studenta la psihologie, dar nu la Cluj. Este interesanta ideea de terapie virtuala,mi se pare ceva foarte modern.

  5. Renata
    13 martie 2011 la 4:19 am

    Sunt membra a unei organizatii caritabile in SUA si am aflat intamplator de la sora mea despre o fata (sora mea i-a fost diriginta)ce a suferit multiple traume de-alungul vietii sale. As dori sa o ajutam, dar nu stiu cum v-as putea contacta. Multumesc. Doamne ajuta!!

  6. 7 aprilie 2011 la 1:21 pm

    E comfortabil sa stiu ca mai sunt si oameni care gandesc asa..

  7. Liviu Popa-Simil
    6 iunie 2011 la 7:48 pm

    Stimate Domnule Daniel David, v-am timis un e-mail la Doamna Vasiliu, si sper sa vi-l transmita, referitor la CNCS. In caz ca-l primiti astept raspunsul Dvs.
    Cu stima

    • 7 iunie 2011 la 3:20 pm

      Am lasat acest mesaj al dvs., cu rol informativ: va rog ca astfel de probleme sa le ridicati pe email, nu pe blog. Multumesc.

      • Liviu Popa-Simil
        25 iunie 2011 la 5:56 am

        Am incercat si pe e-mail dar se pare ca nu functioneaza, sau are alte probleme…cu scuze for any inconevience.

    • Liviu Popa-Simil
      25 iunie 2011 la 4:36 pm

      Domnule David, Blogul Dvs. se chiama „Pentru o Romanie Rationala”, si aceasta este ceea ce „Nu se face in Romania”. De exemplu In Romania Laboratoarele „nationale” sunt finantate aproape la gramada cu universitatile, prin organisme controlate de „universitari”, aidoma celui condus de Dvs., unde diferite norme de selectia „absurde” sau menite in a favoriza universitarii sunt selectate ca criterri supreme de selectia a finantarii – si asa insuficiente / eu v-am scris -fara sa primesc vre un raspuns cu exceptia celui care imi spunea ca e-mailu Dvs. nu e valabil – numai despre un aspect care m-a surprins – Descurajarea Participarii la Conferinte de catre UE ! sub UEFISCATI…- dar mecanismul actual folosit „in numele UE – desi aparent RATIONAL va duce spre urmatorul effect – suprimarea cercetarii reale, avansate din institutele de cercetare – si ramanerea cu cercetarea universitara – care dupa cum stiti cu greu atinge culmile cercetarii dedicate – si este rational sa fie asa – si iata de ce : cand eu am „predat” pentru 2 ore de predare consumam 4 h de pregatire, si aveam cam 8-10 h (ca asociat la plata cu ora) asta inseamna 2 zile mai putin de la cercetare / evident in west sunt sclavii – generic numiti studenti – care mai aduc ceva prin munca lor la gloria profesorului / e etic?; poate nu dar e rational / si astfel umbra e mai mare ca statura si daca se aplica si amplificarea trigonometrica a unghiului/punctului de vedere e ce se vede acum = multi zmei de carton – revenind / utilizarea mecanismului actual „cercetare competitiva” discriminat irrational, selectat la gramada – va duce la urmatorul efect : cercetarea profesionala din institute va disparea, multi din cercetatorii inca in Romania vor deveni Diaspora – ca si mine de altfel – cu dorinta de a ajuta, dar fara pasiunea de a se implica – si cercetarea universitara se va plafona / producand poate cativa studenti buni care vor pleca – in acest fel participarea la UNiunea Europeana va fi remarcata ca avand un efect devastator pentru romania / intre 1990-2000 capitalismul-post socialist salbatic romania a devenit din tara industrial agrara in curs de dezvoltarea o tara agrar-buticara subdezvoltata, iar sub patronajul EU – pentru ca de Guvernu Romaniei e dificil de analizat si detectat vreo tendinta rationala – a devenit doar o tara buticara dezvoltata. E foarte adevarat ca nevoia pentru tratarea psihiatrica va creste geometric, si metode de resetare fizica vor trebui implementate complementar metodelor de imagine 3/4D.(de exemplu Roboto terapie (robot cu ciocan de dat pe cap, etc.) sub acest aspect cercetarile Dvs. sunt deosebit de interesante – lasnd la o parte aspectul cu gluma cu Robotu de reset pacient – problema e -este rational ? Este ceea ce populatia Romaniei isi doreste ?
      Cu stima

      In final, vreau sa va asigur, ca apreciez in mod deosebit cercetarile Dvs. si modul in care doriti sa abordati aceste probleme complexe si aceasta m-a facut sa investesc acest timp pentru a va scrie, si prezenta aceasta problema in acest mod mai exotic – pentru ca prin aceasta „fluctuatie” de ether sa va dau posibilitatea a analiza si aspecte complementare ale angajarii Dvs. in coordonarea rationalitatii si armoniei dezvoltarii cercetarii in ansamblul ei.

  8. 4 ianuarie 2018 la 11:27 pm

    Sint specialista in inovatie tehnica, inginer IT si Master in Management de inovatie si ma intereseaza inovatiile dvs. Lucrez in Africa de Sud de 25 de ani cercetind si analizind inovatiile la nivel national.

  9. 3 iunie 2019 la 3:15 pm

    Buna ziua. Doresc sa achizitionez aparatura virtual reality pt cabinet de psihoterapie. Ma puteti ajuta.0762225609

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